Tarot consists of a deck of cards, originated in the mid-14th century throughout Europe, they later became something more mystical and were used for divination and fortune telling.
I personally see them as a window that lets us peak inside ourselves, but many others believe in its power to read your future. With this project I wanted to create a conversation opener, between you and others but especially between you and yourself.
You can have hard to have conversations, with topics often considered controversial but also find ways to accept yourself and understand yourself through whatever situation or feelings you might be experiencing, in other words, find your own path to self-acceptance and happiness.
I did my best to include as many people as possible in this, but I can only fit so many in 22 cards. You’ll notice that most of these illustrations consist of female figures, mostly because I made them in my own vision, this is how I imagine most of these problems as for me, a female is a figure of empathy and strength.
The illustrations all have different meanings and were created them with specific ideas and stories, however I won’t explain what they are as I want to leave as much room as possible for ambiguity and imagination from your end.